Aug 27, 2011

Checking in

Posted by TonyOrlando

Like a lazy, sleep-addled bear lurching out of its winter cave, we shamble out into the sunlight of another football season. Our traditional radio silence during the summer almost over, we prepare to sporadically post on the goings-on in Tuscalooosa.Mucho gracias to Sleepwriter for his contributions to keeping this site's stats out of the negative numbers. If you've managed to stumble into this place from elsewhere, welcome. A quick primer: we don't break down film, we don't analyze depth charts. Hell, we barely even post at all. But when we do, it's with a fan's love of the game, a Southern zeal for the Tide, and a microbrew close at hand.

We're not on Facebook; don't ask. Our Twitter feed is lively during games, so feel free to follow.

We'll see you shortly with our prediction picks. Until then, Roll Tide.


Steve Medlin said...

So glad to have you back! Looking forward to a great season.

TonyOrlando said...

Good to be back. Nice design over there; we'll stay in touch. 14-0...